Monday, November 01, 2010

...some misc Rock Band 3 stuff (and pics!)

Check out the Boston Globe's article on Pro Guitar containing some quotes and video of me here.

Also check out the pics I took for our Credits.  The first one was used in the game.


  1. Loving the game so far. Just sad the Squier's so far out. Pro Drums, Pro Keys = pure win.

  2. Also - if you get a chance, starting tomorrow afternoon, check out

  3. Thanks Seppo, that's awesome to hear. I worked mostly on gameplay this game so all the Pro stuff feels like my baby :) I can't wait for you to try Pro Guitar!

    I went to and don't see anything?

  4. Picked up the Mustang the other day. Couldn't wait for the Squier. I'm *really* impressed. I thought the interface was going to be unintelligible. It's so much data to process, and it can't really be communicated all perfectly clearly - but the interface is really, really good.

    My biggest problem at the moment is that I've got a busted wrist (not enough rotation in my left wrist since I broke it in high school) - but if that's my biggest problem, you've clearly done an *awesome* job on the interface.

    Love it.

  5. Oh - also - check out now. It's all live.

  6. Thanks so much Seppo. I worked really hard on that. It's something that is not 100% solvable meaning it'll never been as simple to understand as say Tetris but I think we did something special nonetheless.
