Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sunday, December 07, 2008 put on my wall

This weekend was busy - in addition to the Harmonix Christmas party and the new karaoke night at Razzys (pics of both to come soon), I bought art!

Proceeds went to the artists who were in need.

This one is called Musical Notes by Charles Huiritz.

I don't know why this jpeg is 90 degrees! Anyhow it's called Shirley Temple by Jill Brooks.

Not sure what the hat is called or who did it (EDIT: Yasmin Arshad). I'm calling it Talll.

Sunday, November 30, 2008's fall - uh wait it's winter already

The seasons are a changing. Time to buy more winter clothes! Good thing the price of oil is down :)

The Konks with singer Kurt from Harmonix.

Election night/Obama party.

The line to vote was hundreds of people long!

Halloween was fun this year. I had a lot more pics but they were mostly blurry...

California dreaming on such a winter's day...

Friday, November 07, 2008

Friday, October 31, 2008

...the Beatles

Yesterday (ha), we announced one of the games I'm working on. It's the Beatles!


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Wednesday, October 15, 2008 from NY

NY City again this past weekend. My friend Amy got married and I got to hang out with Troy and Carensa some which was really fun.!? There was a huge line of people waiting to get into this pet store... in NY = the best jerry...

Times Square at midnight...still tons of people!

Not again...

We went to a John (V.I.) Lennon art exhibit. I wasn't allowed to take any pics after this. There were some very naughty paintings of Yoko and some very cool lyric sheets...

Joe and Amy got married in some really famous huge church. In a pic above you can see people lined up for some jesus bread as I watch awkwardly...

Manhattan band!

Kate showed me this building with a house on top! She lives in the lower-east side near Tom Cruise.

The Lennon exhibit bathroom had an awesome mirror for some reason...

Thursday, October 09, 2008

...going to New York this weekend

My friend Amy is getting married. I figured this out kinda last minute :) I'll be staying at Troy and Carensa's place. Bus rides are pretty decently priced, especially if you book well in advance...

Friday, October 03, 2008

...and tonight - RB2 Rlease Party

I'm singing "Don't You Forget About Me" with a live Karaoke Band...wish me luck :)

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

...back to cali

I'll be in SF for a few days next week...give me a holler if you want to hang out.


Sunday, August 24, 2008 from the last couple months

Hey been having a good time since finishing up on RB2. Contained below is the company clambake, my sisters visit including karaoke, rock band outings at bars and movie theatres and my new acoustic guitar.