Tuesday, July 26, 2005

...so take off all your clothes

Heatwave throughout the country...it's been beautifull here luckily (low 70's). I wish I could export the west coast weather for all my friends and family...

Monday, July 18, 2005


Wearing a bandanna anarchist-style messes with people's heads...I enjoy dress up parties...

Saturday, July 09, 2005

...and some musical notes

Watched all of live 8 last weekend...here's some thoughts:

MTV really messed this up...they barely showed any full songs.

London had the best lineup by far, but of course MTV chose more substandard artists from the Philly show and barely any from elsewhere.

You can get all the songs from all the bands here.

Audioslave is laughably bad...Chris Cornell has lost his ability to sing, and I don't think he ever had the ability to deliver spoken word lines ala Zack. I was a fan of both Soundgarden and Rage to a minimal degree (1 album each), but it is still disappointing...check it out here.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

...pics on my main 2 guitars

For the newly resurfaced Dulli!:

Fender Japanese Jaguar Special

70's Hagstrom H IIN OT

I've got a couple more guitars in my collection but these are my main 2 at the moment...it always changes as a buy and sell continually as I'm never satisfied....