Tuesday, September 20, 2005

...I have time off!

Shrek Super Slam has been sent out to Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo to be approved, so I find myself with a couple weeks off. I won't be going anywhere much, but I can't relax at my place to effectively either as they seem to be destroying and rebuilding the apartment next door. They are totally stripping out all the walls and wiring...makes me wonder how messed up my place is as it's one of the older units.

We'll at least I got some things to occupy my time while Tamsen is gone (for a month to england :( )...firefly, poker, a bunch pf PC and console games, 3 or 4 movies I wanna see and the Miami Dolphins.


  1. Firefly is good. The movie, Serenity comes out next week which will be sweet. I also highly recommend The Adventures of Kavalier and Clay if you need something to read.

  2. Oh and by the way, I'm going to be in NYC starting on Monday the 10th if you want to come in early. I'll have a hotel room you can crash at for free thanks to work.

  3. Oh yeah, you should go see The Aristocrats if you haven't seen it yet. It's a great movie. Run and see it, I promise you won't be disappointed.

  4. We should play some Poker in Vegas. ;) I can't wait for Serenity either... next weekend! I was going to have a dvd marathon before seeing it, but dunno if I'll have time now.
