Wednesday, July 19, 2006

...Fun in the sun (amsterdam pt 1 and 2)

I'm a little more than halfway done with my trip to amsterdam...having a good time so far relaxing though I wish my sis or Tamsen was here to hand out with at night :)

The trip started off not so great as the plane I was on detoured to Las Vegas right away as some women was sick. 1 hour and 45 minutes later we took off with a landing time that was after my amsterdam flight was suppossed to take off! I landed at Houston's "George Bush" airport with apprehension not wanting to spend a whole night in Houston! (withing 2 minutes of landing I saw some girl wearing a we love george w. bush shirt - yuck). Anyhwo to my luck the amsterdam flight was delayed 3 hours :)

The trip has been good so far...chilling in the park with mom and dad...eating well, walking around, seeing paintings, eating delicious "new herring".

But the highlight so far was last night. Me and Dad entered a 80 person, 60 Euro (plus 1 hour rebuy) tournament. 6 hours later at 2 AM I was on the last table and won the entire thing! (wiht a pair of 2's). There were some good player from all over and I made some silly plays (folded out of turn once, string-bet once), but I am really happy with my play...

more later...

1 comment:

  1. Nice. Congrats on the win. Being in Amsterdam has to be better than being here in the blistering heat. Are the Dutch still bummed over their early world cup exit?
