Friday, October 05, 2007

...frustrations with the Simpsons game demo

Well just played the Simpsons demo at work. It has potential, but I don't think I'd buy it...too many frustrating issues - such as:

- walking in a straight line is hard! The camera starts turning with any rotation off directly forward.
- demo level is too hectic...too many krustys running around saying the same thing over and over.
- "lard lad" boss's pattern could be much better. One of the 2 spots he goes between is almost impossible to get onto his back from.
- ...and Homer is practically useless against him. I would like it better if Bart had to do one thing, then Homer had to do the next etc...
- too unforgiving in general...I'm talking about glide decent rate, double jump success rate, amount of time Lard Lad stays stunned, frequency of Krustys...
- camera is odd...R-stick can be used to look around, but pressing L1 to actually aim at things often has you pointing away from your intended target

A good focus test could really help...unfortunately I know sometimes even with well-run focus tests, it is all in how management reacts and fixes the problems that come up that make the difference...

1 comment:

  1. Some of the other game modes are better I think - not sure why they chose that one for the demo. I got a sneak preview of several other levels and I will play through it just for all the awesome original lines.
    If they had another 4 months to improve it'd be amazing...
