Saturday, May 17, 2008

...week deux

Cool times here...I'm starting to feel of use to the team. In fact I got myself some more short-term responsibility on something really cool. Bad news is that I'm here at work on Sat but the good news is the crunches here are short...I'll be done on Thursday!

Most jobs have been like this. At 3do I got there 2 or 3 months before Air Attack2 was done and they were like oh don't worry we'll just get you up to speed and maybe you can help out with some multiplayer levels. 2 weeks later I owned a couple levels in the game - including the second. Not that I'm complaining...I love the challenge!


  1. Get some good songs into Rock Band 2 man! Glad to hear that things at the new job are going well.

  2. Hey - since you work there now, can you ask someone why the left-right order of colors isn't consistent between the guitars and the drums?

  3. (CC, not CF BTW)

    Great. We'll have to find more ways to abuse you.

    As to the comment about drum ordering, I believe Rob has already made mention of this somewhere. Try pulling the drums out of the sockets and re-ordering them to match the guitar color orders. Then, assuming green remains forward and red remains back, I dare you to navigate around the shell. I double dare you to grab your relatives who don't play music games, and have them navigate.

  4. I figured that was probably it. God bless playtest sessions ans sane reactions to them :)
