Tuesday, September 14, 2004

...N vs. the Pillow

One night last weekend seemed to be a night like any other down here in LA. Celebrity poker challenge was on, the charles shaw was flowing, and my roommate (called N here for his sake) and I were on the couch watching TV. Suddenly and without warning all things changed as N was taken down for the count by a mystery opponent.

The pillow had taken enough. It wasn't enough the N used the pillow for a head rest or under his amrpit...no...N would toss the pillow to the side of the couch crashing towards the blinds. After weeks of abuse the pillow hatched a plan; The next time N tosses him aside, the pillow would take him out...and take him out it did.

Now N had finally got his ass off the couch to go do something. As usual he put his foot down on the pillow to rub in his off-couchness. But the pillow did not sink in and take it as he usually did. Instead a subtle twist to the side and N took a plunge worthy of King-King coming down from the empire state building. The sound and thud towards the ground was as immense from my view as the time it took for N to fall it the first place (It felt like 10 seconds).

Fortunately for N, he managed to kick out his body away from the intended pillow targets. First stop, N's brand new laptop computer. Next and what would be the knockout blow, the corner of our steel grade coffee table. Instead the pillow would have to be content with a TKO and a psychological victory.

Pillow:1 Roommate:0

Update: As I'm at work now N is at home on his first day off since the fight...who knows what's happening on or near the couch right now...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Well... I have to say that this story seems pretty far-fetched. Where is the corraborative evidence? Where are the independent and unbiased observers to confirm this tall tale? Is there any video of this "event" or has it all mysteriously disappeared? All I can say is that this seems like a very unlikely and possibly impossible occurrence. And that this N character seems like he's probably sexy as hell.
