Monday, August 01, 2005

...old man at the club

Went to see a band called Nine Black Alps thursday night at a club near myself again...Maybe I should have bought someone's ticket to go with me (it was only $5!). A theory (devised while waiting in-line): the older you get, the less people do things with you...I noticed the younger the kids were in line, the more friends they had with them...getting old sucks...or at least it does 'round here...hrrmph!

Waiting in line...

Patiently waiting for the band to come on-stage...Hurry it's past my bedtime

Did you know they have 2 Megapixel cameras in European and Japanese phones? Mine is obviously NOT one of those

small stage, tiny sound, but still rockin'

a bunch of heads

Corey's 30th...second 30th b-day I've been to at this bowling alley


  1. I'm right there with you man. This is why I hardly ever get to go to shows any more. I can't ever find anyone to go with me. Everyone's too old. :(

  2. You guys should check out shows here in Korea-flashing punk rockers! Chaos!
