Tuesday, April 22, 2008

...day 1 and 2 in boston

It's been a long first 2 days here.

Day 1:
I get in at 6 am and very tired. Took a cab to the hotel (bed and breakfast actually) and some dude was in my room...great...so I slept on the couch while the nearby spanish-speaking female teachers were arguing for hours. After a couple hours nap, I went surfing for houses and set up some appoinments to see a bunch. In short, the next 9 hours were spent looking at 6 places, deciding on one, and signing lots of paperwork...yay success. More details about my place (and pics!) in a future post but in a nutshell its a 2 br about 7 mins from Davis and Porter squares.

During the day I had a good BBQ meal:

Tasty if you like saucy BBQ. Perhaps I have been too worried about missing SF food. The weather was perfect...check out the flowers in bloom:

Davis square is really cool at night with tons of people and life going on it reminds me of a small square in Paris or Amsterdam. Can't wait for a 3g iphone (hopefully with flash) so I can take better camera phone pics:

Day 2:

I'm ready for the day:

Damn my time schedule is all messed up. But at least this may have been my first long nights sleep in weeks. Got up and ate a tasty boston scrod lunch. Later sara from alcove realty took me to look at washer and dryers (thanks btw!) as I need to buy some for my new place. Afterwards I walked from Davis square to Porter square to Harvard square to Central square (where my work will be)...it is during this walk where I've started to feel some love for the city. The squares are awesome each with it's own character and tons of people. And it's probably only 35-40 mins to walk between all of them. There were tons of shops, guitar shops, bookstores, restaurants, parks and I even got a boba tea. Here's my one pic of people protesting china about tibet in Harvard square:

More later...


  1. I dunno if it's still there, but there used to be an EB between Central and Harvard squares - back in '98, I took part in a Warcraft 2 competition, which is where I won the Blizzard shirt that I *still* wear. Whee-ha.

    Also, just about five degrees off-center in the pic of Harvard Square was a cafe I used to eat at pretty regularly with my ex-gf who went to Harvard. Not a great cafe or anything, but I had a fondness for their fries. Can't for the life of me remember what the place is called.

  2. Oh - hey - send me your e-mail addy. Mine's (mylastname)@alum.mit.edu

  3. Lucky for you it's not football season yet so you don't constantly have to hear about the Pats. Glad to hear that your move went o.k.

  4. Anonymous9:04 PM

    I'm so glad you're getting settled in okay! I can't wait to hear more!
