Tuesday, January 25, 2005

...I don't wanna grow up - movie-blocking

One of the things I love in life is movies. Specifically movies at the movie theatre. At its best, seeing movies at the theatre is like going to a different world where you are involved in some other lives. At it's worst, it's kinda like watching tv in a room filled with annoying people. At some point I've lost the ability to tune out whats going on around me. As a kid it didn't matter if a bomb went off 4 rows ahead of me, I was immersed! Here's a list of things that can pull me out:

1. people kicking my chair
2. people talking
- 2a. people repeating the words of characters on the screen
- 2b. people guessing correctly whats about to happen
- 2c. people guessing incorrectly whats about to happen
3. people talking on cellphones
4. people text-messaging on cellphone (new entry)

In tonights showing I had 1, 2a,2c, and 4. I predict 4 will be the new 3 on its way to becoming the most annoying movie-block in modern times. A sea of lights...a sea of lights...


  1. I'm with you man. People have really been annoying me lately in movies. The only cure I can seem to find is to go to the movies in the middle of the day on a weekday. That way, at least there's only 1 or 2 people there that annoy me.

  2. Middle of the day on a weekday! That sounds like the perfect plan...oh wait I'm working then :( Do you get a weekday off? I wish I worked saturday and had monday off.

  3. I do get one weekday a week off now. Gotta love the 4 day work week. When I start the new job, I'll have Fridays off which will still be nice.

  4. New job? I didn't know about this...what/where is it?

  5. I agree with all those. I will have to add them to my new revised list if I make one. I almost put the "jacket ladies" in there...remember those old ladies that put their jackets in the seats in front of them so noone could sit there?
